Install a Package from the Testing Repository

I wanted to install the rtl_443 package onto my Raspberry Pi, running Buster edition of Raspbian, so I could read the data from my WH1080.  The GitHub page pointed me to the Raspbian testing repository.

To install this package from testing, the first task was to edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add the repository;

Then sudo apt update .  At this point I then just did sudo apt-get install rtl-433 but I suggest you don’t if you don’t want everything updated from the testing repository (I didn’t).

Instead create file /etc/apt/preferences  and include;

and sudo apt update

This will put the raspbian testing repository as a lower priority than the main and standard repositories. You can check this by using apt-cache policy to list the repositories.

Note, by default, Raspbian is picking up a Debian repository – no idea why, but it is a bit confusing if you do a apt list --upgradable

All that is needed to install the package is a sudo apt install rtl_433


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